Williams Commerce: Forging partnerships with top tier partners in the UK

Williams Commerce, the UK based technology business, recently celebrated its 5 year anniversary and is now expanding more rapidly than ever.

With 5 years of experience now under their belts and an ever-growing B2B client base that includes Hancocks Confectionery Specialists, Gardman, Rolson and Kingfisher, Williams Commerce has also forged strategic partnerships with key solution and service providers.

Most recently, Williams Commerce achieved the platinum level partnership with Sage Pay, the payment gateway solutions provider. Able to integrate with all major ecommerce platforms, Sage Pay processes payments safely and securely, and is a system that is associated with quality and confidence. By forming this partnership, Williams Commerce can assure their clients that they can build safe and secure websites that will not only boost sales thanks to the easy-to-use payment system, but also ensure they are free from fraud.

Having built over 190 websites using the Magento Ecommerce platform, a number that increases every month, Williams Commerce is also an Associate Partner of Magento, with a wealth of expertise in developing websites on this platform. Williams Commerce employs a number of Magento Certified developers, and with roughly 25% of ecommerce websites now being built on Magento, Williams Commerce’s Magento expertise makes them a leader in delivering mid-size Magento Enterprise projects.

Williams Commerce is also a strategic partner of Rack Space, IBM and a Microsoft Enterprise Resource Planning Partner, offering integration with Microsoft Dynamic Nav to businesses. Such partnerships further add to what Williams Commerce has to offer their clients, while equipping them with the tools to meet the challenges and demands posed by new projects.

Robert Williams, managing director of Williams Commerce, said “Since starting Williams Commerce we have always sought to work with the best solution providers and partners both internationally and in the UK. Our partners have been selected as we believe they offer the best solutions in their sector and ultimately the best solutions for our customers.”

Williams Commerce confidently displays the expertise required to work closely with such partners, and will look to develop these partnerships further in the future to offer their customers greater options when they choose to develop a new website, or improve their current one.

To see our range of work, have a look at our portfolio, or if you are looking to upgrade to a Magento ecommerce platform and would like to have a chat, just give the Williams Commerce team a call on 0116 326 1116, or email sales@williamscommerce.com.


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