Google cookie consent mode v2 – What you need to know 

Google is making a major alteration to its cookie consent process, with a new version of Google Consent Mode being launched on 6 March 2024.  

Google Consent Mode V2 will see updates made to tag behaviour, meaning that anybody using Google Analytics and not sending consent flags will see their tracking decline through Google Analytics 4. 

Here, we talk you through the latest changes and provide advice on what you need to do to ensure your tracking is as accurate as possible.  

Google Consent Mode V1


The first version of Google Consent Mode was launched in 2020 to help protect user privacy. This was driven by the introduction of data privacy laws such as GDPR and the ePrivacy Directive.  

This version of Google Consent Mode meant that Google was still very much able to capture data for Google Analytics and Google Ads platforms. 

With V1, there were two consent states: analytics_storage and ad_storage. These respectively asked a user if they consented to their data being used for analytics and advertising. 

However, a change has been deemed necessary following the introduction of a new EU regulation. The Digital Markets Act (DMA) was first launched in November 2022, with the aim of preventing large companies such as Google abusing the power they hold in the digital market and ensuring a higher degree of competition across all European digital markets.   

A very similar act, the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill (DMCC), has also be introduced in the UK specifically. 

The major industry players have until 6 March 2024 to comply with the provisions the DMA lay out, hence the introduction of Google Consent Mode V2. 

Introducing Google Consent Mode V2

As part of the new version of Google Consent Mode, two new consent variables are being added: ad_user_data and ad_personalization.  

 Depending on whether a user gives consent or not, ad_user_data determines whether personal data is sent to Google, be this via Google Ads, Google Shopping or Google Play. Based on whether consent is given by the user, the ad_personalization consent variable also, determines if personal data is sent to Google for remarketing purposes. 

These new consent states are in addition to the consent states that feature in Google Consent Mode V1, meaning Google Consent Mode V2 will have four consent states: 

  • analytics_storage 
  • ad_storage  
  • ad_user_data  
  • ad_personalization 

Moving forward, the behaviour of Analytics and Google Ads Conversion Tags fired will rely on these four variables.  

This means that if a website does not give defined consent, advertisers will be prevented from tracking data for users in the UK, EEA and the US. 

What you need to do

Person typing on a laptop keyboard. A digital globe hovers above the keyboard is surrounded by icons.

To help manage the transition to Google Consent Mode V2, Google has launched Advanced Consent Mode. This helps websites get their analytics, tags, tracking and cookie management set up for Google Consent Mode V2. This way, website managers can ensure they receive the consent they need to send data, while also ensuring data is fully anonymised when consent is not given. 

We recommend moving to a compliant consent management platform while Google Tags are updated to become compliant.   

Our recommended platform for this is Cookiebot, as this will preserve all your Google Analytics and Google Ads tags when the consent rollouts take place. Cookiebot will also recover some of your lost data when consent is denied. 

 Additionally, Cookiebot will automatically track and control all other scripts on your site, as well as avoiding any compliance risks you may not be aware of. 

 Google Tag Manager is quick and easy to implement, offering full consent V2 capabilities, but doesn’t touch the other manually installed scripts on site. As a result, we recommend a hybrid method to track all scripts.  

How can we help?

If you have not yet taken the necessary steps around Google Consent Mode V2, now is the time to do so. 

The Williams Commerce team understands what Google Cookie Consent Mode V2 brings to the table and the risks that are present if the necessary changes are not made.

We can talk you through what is necessary and help you stay on top of your analytics and ads by taking the required steps. 

To discuss your needs with our team, simply get in touch. We will be happy to help. 


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