Looking ahead to the future of ecommerce – Insights from our Head of Consultancy

Head of Consultancy, Tanya, brings you up to speed with the latest trends in ecommerce this year

Tanya Peasgood

“In 2024, we’ll continue to see reluctance from companies to make wholesale changes to their ecommerce solutions as big investment is a hard sell in a tough market. There will be less new builds or platform moves and more consideration to how you can make smaller, incremental, improvements to your customer experience. 


To support this we’ll see continued expansion of AI solutions in areas of ecommerce. Firstly, to support onsite search, merchandising, and personalisation to create relevant experiences for repeat customers. Secondly, to support overstretched business teams in content creation and product management.


With Google joining the elimination of third-party cookies in 2024, this creates further complexities and challenges for ecommerce growth, and it’ll become increasingly important for retailers to have access to good first-party data. Here we expect to see companies incentivising customer registration through promotional offerings and loyalty schemes to gain access to data customers willingly share. 


Website carbon scores are another area where companies can make cost savings through reducing page weight and considering energy efficient hosting. We’ll see this become a standard consideration in any new web development and companies will use this as part of their sustainable and green messaging to customers.”

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