Williams Commerce launches Dynamics 365 Business Central Connector for BigCommerce

BigCommerce and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (BC) are market leaders in ecommerce and enterprise resource planning (ERP).

Together they provide a powerful and seamless business solution that will give you a competitive advantage in the fast-changing ecommerce marketplace.

Williams Commerce has now launched a Dynamics 365 connector for BigCommerce that allows you to make the best use of their impressive functionality. As a BigCommerce Agency Partner we are uniquely positioned to offer this robust end-to-end solution for your ecommerce business.

Why choose Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

BC is a cloud-based evolution of Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Microsoft Navision. It is not only available in the cloud; it is also available for on-premises or hybrid deployment.

It was launched in 2018 to position Microsoft as a leading ERP provider for fast-growing small and medium-sized businesses, competing with other major players such as Oracle and NetSuite.

Why choose BigCommerce

BigCommerce is a leading software-as-a-service (SaaS) ecommerce platform in the cloud for businesses making US$1 million or more in sales per year.

It offers solutions for both retail and business to business (B2B) ecommerce and has a significantly lower total cost of ownership than other comparable platforms.

BigCommerce has excellent core functionality, pre-built integrations and can comfortably handle large catalogs. It’s recognized as delivering full content management (CMS) and search engine optimization (SEO) features.

Why use a connector?

When BC and BigCommerce are linked with a powerful, purpose-designed connector you can benefit from synchronized, near real-time data flow that improves efficiency and business performance.

As orders are placed on your BigCommerce ecommerce site, the connector will pass the information immediately to your BC system. Your inventory levels will be adjusted to reflect the sale, and shipping and tracking information can be shared. You can virtually eliminate the need for manual data entry, minimising errors. More importantly, your orders can be efficiently fulfilled, saving you time and money.

No middleware

We have built the connector specifically for Business Central using our powerful application programming interface (API) to provide a single, direct line of communication between your BigCommerce site and BC. This provides a secure and straightforward way to configure your integration, making it fast to implement and easy to manage.

In contrast, integrations using middleware process data from multiple sources which are distributed to your ERP and other systems. It’s an attractive approach for businesses with highly customized website strategies and high order volumes. However, middleware is often more tailored and that can mean you will need to work with expert web developers and administrators, adding to your required skill levels and the time it takes to implement your solution.

SaaS or on-premise - your choice

You can choose to run this powerful combination as SaaS in the cloud. However, if your business handles highly sensitive data or you require exceptional levels of stability and security for critical services there’s an on-premises option as well.

Ready for future growth

Microsoft’s release plan for BC is designed to make it leaner and more extensible. This means you can build your business around BC with confidence that its one-feature-one-module design gives you a reliable growth path for your future.

Because the connector uses shared business rules there’s no need for individual mapping, making upgrades to your systems much easier to implement.

Built by integration experts

We have an established team of integration specialists who have broad experience in implementing complicated integration projects.

Based on our integration platform, the BC connector for BigCommerce allows easy reporting across multiple connectors. We can provide all the integration skills needed to ensure the smooth operation of not only your ERP business processes, but also order processing and warehouse stock management, for example.

Synchronized data

Automated bi-directional or uni-directional near real-time data exchange between BC and BigCommerce and real-time updates from BC to BigCommerce mean you always have the latest information available across your business.

You can automatically insert orders into BC and update your online site with offline sales. You can track performance, resources and customer information to make sure every customer touchpoint is driven by accurate information.

The connector gives flexibility at the presentation layer to improve user experience (UX) with personalization and innovative customer experiences. Product images and descriptions from your ERP system can populate your ecommerce site, ensuring you have one home for all your online resources.

A flexible solution

Every business is unique, so we are happy to extend the connector based on your specific requirements.

Unlike other providers, we don’t give your competitors the benefit of your investment by automatically adding these new customized ecommerce solutions into the next release.

Find out more about the power of our Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central connector for BigCommerce, talk to one of our experts today.

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